The indefinite continued progress of existence and events (that occur in apparently irreversible succession)

The work is in the collection of S.M.A.K., Belgium

2012, Plexiglass box, paper, dust, 150x100x15cm
Exhibition view at S.M.A.K., Ghent

The indefinite continued progress of existence and events (that occur in apparently irreversible succession) was realized with a help of a prisoner. A layer of dust is placed on sheet of paper hanging in a plexiglass box. The project emerged from a collaboration with an elderly woman prisoner in a prison in the Czech Republic and as a reaction to her story. She said she measures time by the amount of dust on her table. Then she sent the accual dust from prison collected over a several weeks period. The relic-like box shifts in minimalist way the proof of time passing from prison, a place of deep self-reflection and completely different notion of space and time.